after working all week, the class has finally arrived at the moment of truth -- the bus shelter's unveiling before a public audience. in the last week, the class came to the realization that the hard-packed soil on site, and the windy conditions of the last several days would prevent them from revealing the design for the shelter outdoors. as a result, the community was invited into the lobby of the gatewood building.

all of the second year students stood proudly as tommy lambeth, department chair, congratulated them on tackling such a tough issue in studio. students gave an overview of the design process and uncg's female a cappella group, the sapphires, sang in celebration of a long semester's worth of hard work.

in the end, students realized that their work, while not sited at a bus stop, had truly brought a greater awareness of the woeful shortage of bus shelters in greensboro (64 shelters currently....1100 stops). read more about
news coverage online....or better yet, stop by and see the shelter in the lobby, accessed off highland avenue.