victoria and i met briefly to talk about the newcomer's project. she's back from italy and FULL OF ENERGY. i'm really excited about this project because victoria's approach to teaching is about the reggio-emelia system of education. well, hey, it's italian, so that's a point in it's favor off the bat. the essential point of the approach is that the ENVIRONMENT IS THE THIRD TEACHER IN THE CLASSROOM. um....yeah!!
1 comment:
When I read this I just want to cry. I don't know where to go from here now. Your community by design group were my cheerleaders.
Victoria Wreden-Sadeq
Still plugging away at Newcomers as the art teacher, in a space that needs some practical help to be all that it could be. Its at least still filled with lots and lots of love as always...and my passion. Nobody can take that away from me so I will keep on kicking!
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