Friday, November 21, 2008

Hardworking In The Woodshop

The building process has now begun!
As of now, we are working on building our moment benches which will be placed among the following places::

Downtown depot
UNCG library [near rotunda]
UNCG Clock Tower

By placing these benches here, we are hoping to advertise our bus shelter, which will be opened on 12/12 at 12:00pm.

Here are a few pictures that show our building process::

Finalized bench [sketch model]

photos taken by:: sara zales + josie mckinney

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

adventures in board layout

I know you've seen this before...but let it serve as a reminder that it is always a good idea to map out your presentation board[s] (to scale) prior to gluing anything down.  To avoid surprises, why not propose some different board layouts in your sketchbook for us to look at in class this week?

Monday, November 17, 2008


Just a reminder for all students to bring $20.00 cash this coming Wednesday [November 19] in order to get started with our bus shelter!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

President elect wannabe architect and russian style bus shelters

Architecturally relevant facts about President Elect Barack Obama from 50 facts you might not know:
He would have liked to have been an architect if he were not a politician
His house in Chicago has four fire places
He plans to install a basketball court in the White House grounds
His favourite artist is Pablo Picasso

Someone left a comment on this blog post about Obama designing soviet style fortressess which lead me to search for what "soviet style" actually looked like. Ironically, I came across soviet style bus stops in Armenia, courtesy of photographer Ursula Schulz-Dornburg. Other notable comments include:
1) "Barack-the-architect would be much more likely to design some kind of self-building-kit, whereby ordinary people could assemble their own houses working together with other like-minded folks."
2) "Barack Obama community architecture"

Its amazing what a little snooping around can produce....


Friday, November 14, 2008


The following is a list of materials that will be used for the bus shelter:

all wood: cedar
burnt orange paint
natural stain, dark stain
a large assortment of building grade screws, bolts, etc.
main column:
seven 2x12's at 8'6” long (all spaced out to 3') (dark stain)
one 3' long 'H' shaped metal base to anchor to ground
three 1x3 dowels at 3' long (going through slats) (burnt orange paint)
four 1x3's bracing roof on column (two at 1' long, two at 3' long) (dark stain)
supporting columns (upside down 'U' shaped):
eight 2x6's at 8'6” long (natural stain)
four 2x6's at 7'6” long (natural stain)
six 2x6's at 5'4” long (crossbeams) (natural stain)
six 2x8's at 5'6” long (ajustable, go into ground) (burnt orange paint)
six 2x6's at 8” long (middle of crossbeams) (burnt orange paint)
three 2x6's at 6'2” long (middle of crossbeams) (burnt orange paint)
plexiglass walls:
back wall glass: 2' x 5'6”
side wall glass: 2' x 5'0”
four 1x3's at 5'6” long, two are grooved out to hold glass (natural stain)
four 1x3's at 5'0” long, two are grooved out to hold glass (natural stain)
roof over bench: 13' x 7' made up of about 32 1x3's (natural stain)
covered with stretched canvas: 13' x 7'
roof over sidewalk: 12' x 7' made up of 35 1x3's (natural stain)
seat: 18” high & deep (natural stain)
bench length: 6'
six 18” horizontal braces (dark stain)
three 12” vertical braces (dark stain)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's Going On??

Are you wondering what is happening within each busshelter group?? Here's a quick update:

design group:: the final design of bus shelter...good job design team!!

presentation group:: will be conducting a seminar for the class on Friday November 14 on speaking skills

moments group:: finalizing a design to advertise our bus shelter. Thinking of placing the design piece at the Depot, Clock Tower, and library [near rotunda]

events group:: got in touch with The Green Bean coffee shop downtown and The Green Bean said they would be happy to sponsor us. They also thought it would be nice if the moments design could be placed within the shop. Also, still trying to get things moving with EUC so that we can set up a table.

progess group:: as of now, we do not have a set budget

donations group:: hoping to send out letters to the following businesses by Friday or Monday once proposal letter is finalized by Patrick and Suzanne-

Guilford Builders Supply Co
MSC Industrial Supply Co.
Brooks Lumber
AP Hubbard Wholesale Lumber
Home Depot
Lumber Liquidators
Stock Building Supply
Allied Building Products Co.
Tate St. Coffee
Jimmy Johns
Teresa Bodford
Piedmont Plastics
Association of Interior Designers- Cathy Rothey
Diane Picciuto- UNCG Development Office

postcard group:: postcard design is still being finalized

graphics group:: the following font and colors will be used-
font- to be determined
colors- burnt orange and brown- waiting on RGB...will post asap

communication group:: contacting local news to get coverage by sending out a press release on our busshelter. thinking about Guerilla Marketing ideas..possible ideas include rubber wristbands, seed packets, bumper stickers, toilet talk, seed paper, and t-shirts

master plan group:: writing a paper about the necessities that are involved in having a bus shelter

documentation group:: documenting progress of each group's work

photos taken by:: leah petriccione

Sunday, November 2, 2008

report: graphics

the following are the font types and RGB color points for the logo:

community: R 207, G 36, B 45-- font type: helvetica neue in condensed black
blue box: R 111, G 171, B 205
by: white-- font type: palatino in bold italic
design: R 249, G 133, B 30-- font type: helvetica neue in condensed black

please place any process work your group many have generated throughout this design process into the digital drop box.  this information is crucial along the way so everyone can stay up to date with the work being produced in the class--also, the documentation group will need that information towards the end of the semester for presentation purposes. 

report: go design team go

CONCEPT:: statement

the awakening of a seed and the subsequent growth process

a seed alone is not self-sustaining: it requires a balance of elements to not only initiate growth, but succeed as a prosperous plant,

concept through form
-our bus shelter represents the germination process: the main vertical element representing the seed, accompanied by necessary supporting structures
-connections and joinery of the supporting structures are hidden, eluding to potential growth with a sturdy root
-the bus shelter would flourish, thriving off a communal effort and outreach
-the success of our bus shelter project relies on a holistic effort by all involved

we hope that by planting the seed, as well as the means for growth, our efforts will flourish, spreading not only to the local objective, but will spark consideration in the unanticipated

sketch model 1
sketch model 2
sketch model 3

it was decided as a class that the best designs to move forward with are sketch models 2+3-- both expressing qualities of germination. until next update....